Titan College Tuition Centre

Ace Your Exam with the Best Selective Schools Practice Test  

Guiding Your Child Towards Academic Excellence

Our selective school practice tests are meticulously designed to align with the actual exam's content and format, giving you a clear understanding of what to expect.

Alongside our experienced team, we provide the necessary resources to excel academically and mentally in these exams. It is especially important to prioritize mental well-being, as approximately 20% of high school-aged children in Australia experience poor mental health due to the pressures of homework, tests and grades. We offer professional assistance, helping build confidence, develop effective study techniques and manage exam-related stress. 

Together, let's conquer the exams and prioritize your overall well-being.

Our Selective Schools Practice Test Gets You Ready!

Practice tests for selective schools test only at Titan College
Persuasive writing in Written Expression Exam
skill builder for selective school tests

Practice Exams

Find practice exams for the selective school tests. These exams should cover various subjects like reading comprehension, mathematics, writing, verbal reasoning and abstract reasoning.

Writing Practice

Get detailed assessment on your child's writing for either creative writing or persuasive writing. We help your student develop their skills by providing detailed feedback that is specific to content, organization, grammar and conventions and mechanics

Skill-Builder Training

Keep your child inspired and engaged in their own learning with exciting skill-building training in reading comprehension, persuasive or creative writing!

children group-tutoring-at-Titan-College

Expert Tutoring to Help You Excel  

Our practice tests closely mirror the actual entrance exams, giving your child a clear idea of what to expect. They cover important topics to help your child learn and feel confident about the test.

With the guidance of our team of experts, your child will gain valuable insights into the real exam. Not only will they learn the subjects, but they will also develop critical thinking, problem-solving and time management skills. These skills will greatly improve their performance in the selective school test, providing them with the best opportunity to succeed.

Empowering Busy Parents through Effective Resources

In today's busy world, parents often lack the time and expertise to teach their children subjects like Algebra or Persuasive Writing. Even if parents are available, children may not always be open to their help.

This is where tutors and online practice tests come in. Tutors and online practice tests provide the guidance and instruction that children need. With a tutor, students feel more at ease asking questions, getting answers and tackling challenging concepts.

By having a tutor and using online practice tests, parents can focus on their other responsibilities, confident that their children will receive the necessary support to excel in entrance tests.

selective school practice tests for busy parents


Busy parents won't have to spend a lot of time finding study materials because the practice test would be easily accessible and match the selective school exams.

Time Management

As busy parents might struggle with finding time for studying, the practice test can also help students improve their time management skills during the exam. This is important to finish the test within the given time limits.

Parents' Involvement

Parents play a big role in their child's education. By providing practice materials that are easy to use, you're helping parents support their child's preparation process.

Are you ready to take the next step in your exam preparation?

 It's time to take action and start your journey to academic success. Message us for our selective schools practice tests and tutoring service now to achieve the best possible results.

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About Practice Tests and Exams

Practicetestsandexams.com.au is a Titan College Tutoring website.  Titan College Tutoring is a Brisbane based tuition centre that has successfully trained hundreds of students to excel in both mathematics and English for both the Australian Curriculum and the International Baccalaureate.

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