June 13, 2023

Mastering the QASMT Entrance Test Format to Optimise for Success

Once you have completed the registration process for QASMT Year 7 entrance exam, allocating sufficient time for exam preparation is essential. 

According to a study cited by Faculty Focus, practice exams are considered the best method for exam preparation. This is because Mock exams utilise spaced retrieval practice, where learners recall information from memory while answering questions. This process strengthens memory and enhances retention.

This article discusses the QASMT test format to help you plan and prepare effectively.

Ace The Edutest Entrance Exam

For some time, Edutest has been responsible for grading and analyzing the test results on behalf of Queensland Academies.  

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, visit Edutest's official website.

The ability and achievement tests are the two main areas of the entrance exam, which last almost 3 hours. 

  • Ability tests examine how well your child thinks critically, while evaluating their reasoning skills and ability to solve problems without using their pre-existing school-learned knowledge. Most of the time, these tests show how fast students learn and how well they can handle challenging tasks. This tests their potential.
  • Achievement tests measure how well your child does in school in essential subjects. Students' achievement scores are determined by their abilities and ability to use what they have learned from school.

Below are the five parts that make up the ability and achievement tests:

1. Verbal Reasoning ( Ability Test )

QASMT verbal reasoning test

Duration: 30 minutes

Description: Measures the ability to think and reason using words and language. This test includes vocabulary, word relationships, classification and deduction. 


Assume that some devices are laptops and that all laptops are Macs. 

It is true then that:

a.All devices are Macs.

b.Some devices are Macs.

c.No device is a Mac.

d.Some devices are Macbooks, and no laptop is a Mac.

e.All Macs are laptops.

2. Numerical Reasoning ( Ability test )

QASMT Numerical Reasoning Test

Duration: 30 minutes

Description: This section assesses numerical thinking and reasoning abilities. It includes number series, matrices, arithmetical reasoning and deductive reasoning. 

Expect to encounter questions that require solving number-based puzzles and identifying patterns within matrices.


Find the missing number in the following series. 

42             336                ?              21504                172032





3. Mathematics ( Achievement test )

QASMT Mathematics Test

Duration: 30 minutes

Description: The assessment evaluates mathematical knowledge appropriate for a specific year level, covering numbers, measurement, algebra, space and data. 

Students are expected to have a good grasp of the mathematics content typically taught in Year 7.


What 3D shape has a flat round base and narrows to a point at the other end?

a.triangular prism




4. Reading Comprehension ( Achievement Test )

QASMT Reading comprehension

Duration: 30 minutes

Description: This part of the test checks how well you understand what you read and find meaning in it. It also looks at your skills in fixing sentences, completing them correctly and using the right punctuation.

When you take the test, you might come across questions about analyzing poetry and non-fiction texts.

5. Written expression  ( Achievement Test )

QASMT written expression test

Duration: 15 minutes

The purpose of this test is to evaluate an individual's ability to clearly express their ideas through written communication. It assesses various aspects such as punctuation, creativity, construction, grammar, spelling and relevance to the given task. 

Writing prompts included in the test not only focus on persuasive and creative writing but can also cover different formats, including discussions.

Ways To Support Your Child in The QASMT Entrance Exam

For many parents, wanting to help their children on their academic journey is natural. But remember that putting too much pressure on them can negatively affect academic performance. 

In one article, ReachOut.com mentions that pressure to excel academically could result in higher stress and anxiety levels. This can affect the physical, social and emotional well-being of a student. 

Here are some effective strategies to help your child prepare:

1. Build Your Child's Confidence

Statista says that in Australia in 2022, matters relating to school were identified as one of the top personal challenges young people face. Also, around 28 percent reported experiencing mental health challenges. 

With these statistics, focusing on building your child's self-esteem becomes even more crucial. Empower your child to face these challenges with confidence and resilience.

Practical ways to build their confidence:

  • Talk with them about the specific exam area they struggle with.
  • Affirm them if they are doing well.
  • Provide constructive criticism or feedback on areas that need improvement.
QASMT Practice tests and exams

2. Help Your Child Become More Organized

Create an ideal study environment by finding a quiet, well-lit space where your child can concentrate. And make sure they turn off or silence their phones or gadgets to minimize distractions.

Also, large tasks often appear overwhelming. This leads to procrastination or incomplete work. So, teach your child to break down complex topics or projects into smaller, manageable tasks. 

Ultimately, having organized thoughts can help them address exams effectively. A clear and structured plan enables them to maintain focus, minimize stress, and efficiently allocate time.

QASMT Practice tests and exams

3. Create A Study Plan With Your Child

Establish an effective and manageable pace during the review process. Collaborate with your child to create a study plan that gives them sufficient time to prepare for the entrance exam. 

As a result, it will eliminate the need for overworking or cramming.

Consider their regular school workload and extracurricular activities when designing the study plan.

If you decide to get a tutor or review programs for your child, select the one that offers schedules that align well with their learning needs.

4. Regulate Your Child's Activities 

Each student has a unique approach to learning. Some prefer working during the day, some at night. Some find studying in a group setting more effective. 

As a parent, you can provide support by accommodating their preferred learning style.

Avoid pressuring your child to stick to a study schedule they are uncomfortable with. If your child prefers using online resources, consider enrolling them in an online learning class. 

5. Take A Moment To Relax

Deep breathing can help your child reduce stress and feel calmer. Teach them to take slow, deep breaths through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. 

Furthermore, weeks before the entrance exam, focus on physical and mental preparation. Prioritize your child's rest and provide them with nourishing meals. Protein sources, like eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, and dried beans, can be excellent brain food to improve mental performance.

QASMT Practice tests

Practice Tests and Tutors Can Make A Difference

The time allotted is limited, with an average of only 60 seconds per question. Meeting the challenge of completing a written expression task within a 15-minute timeframe can be daunting.

To help your child regarding time constraints, seeking programs that specifically address this issue becomes crucial. These programs are designed to teach strategic time management techniques and efficient methods for answering questions accurately and swiftly.

Practice Tests and Exams specializes in providing excellent resources and professional guidance designed to assist your child. With our comprehensive support, your child will develop the necessary skills to confidently navigate the test format and excel in their entrance exam.

Final Words 

By familiarising yourself and your child with the test format and providing support, you can boost your child's chances of success in the QASMT entrance exam. We wish your child the best of luck in their preparation, and we are here to helping them reach their goals. 


Frequently Asked Questions

How difficult is it to secure a spot in Queensland Academy of Science and Technology?

Gaining admission to Queensland Academy is not a walk in the park. This selective school seeks students who exhibit strong academic skills and potential. The selection process usually depends on your academic progress, performance in certain tests, and in some cases, a personal interview.

When can my child begin at QASMT?

Your child can join QASMT when they are in Year 7. At this point, they will start with a program called the Middle Years Programme (MYP). When they reach Year 10, they will move onto a different program called the Diploma Programme (IBDP) which continues until Year 12.

What strategies can I use to enhance my child's written expression abilities for the examination?

Improving written expression may seem difficult, but the key lies in focused feedback. Motivate your child to compose essays and obtain customized feedback. Subsequently, they should make revisions according to the recommendations given.

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of titancollege.com.au and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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