July 17, 2023

How to Answer Numerical Reasoning Questions: Word Problems

( Finding the Unknown with 1 Variable )

Solving word problems surely needs the ability to judge and compare different amounts. They often work with fractions, percentages, decimals and yes, involve switching between different units of measurement.

However, by understanding this way of solving and improving your skills through constant practice with examples, you can no doubt get good at figuring out these tricky word problems.

So, keep reading as we dive into learning the handy steps used in answering these kinds of questions.

Steps in Answering Word Problems

Let's explore these steps in more detail to get a better understanding of how to solve worded problems.

Step One: Find the Clues or Hidden Information

Firstly, to solve distribution problems, carefully analyze the given information and look for any hints or hidden details that can impact the figures. Understanding all the provided information is crucial for solving the problem correctly

Numerical Reasoning Practice tests

Step Two: Convert Where Necessary

Secondly, if the problem involves different units, fractions or percentages, it's essential to convert them into a consistent format for accurate comparison. Convert relevant values into fractions, decimals, or percentages as required to ensure consistency.

Step Three: Perform Calculations in the Right Order

Next, follow the order of events given in the problem and perform calculations accordingly. To determine distributed amounts, multiply fractions, percentages or decimals by their respective quantities. Keep track of the remaining amount after each distribution for subsequent calculations.

Step Four: Find the Solution

Finally, after completing all the necessary calculations, reevaluate the question to make sure a clear understanding of what is being asked.

If you need to determine how many items each person receives, list the allocations in the correct order and select the appropriate answer choice based on the calculations.

Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers

Now, let's look at a few sample worded problems and apply these steps to solve them.

Sample Problem 1

Suppose you know that every 3 grams of protein give you 80 calories and every 4 grams of fat give you 60 calories. 

Choose the food item that gives you the least number of calories.

(a) 20 grams of protein and 8 grams of fat in a Grilled chicken breast 

(b) Salmon fillet with 15 grams of protein and 10 grams of fat 

(c) 5 grams of protein 

(d) 25 grams of protein and 15 grams of fat in a Cheeseburger 

Based on the above information, we must compare the calories of each choice to get the lowest.


Every 3 grams of protein generates 80 calories.

Every 4 grams of fat generates 60 calories.

Solution to Problem 1

(a) Grilled chicken breast with 20 grams of protein and 8 grams of fat:
(b) Salmon fillet with 15 grams of protein and 10 grams of fat:
(c) 5 grams of protein:

(d) Cheeseburger with 25 grams of protein and 15 grams of fat:

Based on the calculations, option (c) with 5 grams of protein would result in the lowest number of calories, with a total of 133 calories.

Therefore, the correct answer is (c) 5 grams of protein. Choosing this option would ensure the consumption of the lowest number of calories among the provided choices.

Sample Problem 2

One box has 6.3 kilograms of candies. Another box has 2.8 kilograms of candies. How much weight must be removed from the first box and placed in the second so that they are both of equal weight?

A) 0.74 kilograms

B) 1.75 kilograms

C) 3.55 kilograms

D) 4.55 kilograms

Solution to Problem 2

First, find out how much the two boxes weigh together by adding them up:

6.3kg + 2.8kg = 9.1kg

Next, divide the total weight by 2 to find out how much each box should weigh to be equal:

9.1kg ÷ 2 = 4.55kg

To make the first box weigh 4.55kg, subtract 4.55 from the current weight of the first box (6.3kg):

6.3kg - 4.55kg = 1.75kg

So, 1.75 kilograms of candies must be transferred from the first box to the second box for both boxes to have an equal weight.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) 1.75 kilograms 

Consistent Practice for Word Problems Mastery

To get better at solving word problems, you need to practice often. By working on many different types of problems, you can improve your problem-solving skills, find information better and get better at doing calculations.

Also, with each practice session, you'll feel more confident and be able to handle word problems more quickly. Over time, you'll find yourself getting more and more skilled at tackling these problems.

Final Words

If you want to master word problems and boost your numerical reasoning skills, we recommend you to explore the resources available on the Practice Tests and Exams website. Have a look at our variety of sample tests. They're specially created to give you a better idea of what to expect in the numerical reasoning test.

Moreover, our team is fully dedicated to guide you towards success and increase your chances of getting into a top-notch school. We're always here, ready to help you in reaching your academic goals.

So, buckle up and get started with your study journey! Wishing you all the best!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of titancollege.com.au and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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