July 17, 2023

Numerical Reasoning Test - Coding Word Problems

Numerical Reasoning Tests evaluate your ability to solve number problems quickly and efficiently. These tests often present questions in word form, requiring thorough comprehension, note-taking, accurate calculations and correct answers.

Keep reading to learn the right process of answering these kinds of questions.

Four-Step Process to Answer Worded Problems

Coded worded problems are a frequent feature in numerical reasoning. In order to handle these effectively, you can follow the steps below:

Step One: Understand the Task at Hand 

The journey to the solution starts with an in-depth understanding of the problem. Pay close attention to all details provided and always make a note of the relationship between variables or amounts. 

Step Two: Jot Down Key Details 

This step involves breaking down the worded problem into an easier-to-grasp, shorthand notation. Pinpoint the pivotal elements and denote them using symbols or variables. 

For instance, if the problem talks about the quantity of apples and oranges, you could simplify them as "A" for Apples and "O" for Oranges. 

Step Three: Crunch the Numbers 

With your key information in simplified notation, it's time to roll up your sleeves and do the math. Use your understanding of the problem and the inter-dependence between variables to find out the unknowns. 

Be sure to draw upon relevant math concepts like algebra, fractions or even simple arithmetic, based on the problem. 

Step Four: Discover the Answer 

After doing the math, conclude the solution by identifying the values of the variables or answering the asked question. Then, compare your answer with the options given and choose the one that correlates with your findings. 

Numerical Reasoning Examples

Let's try our hand at a couple of example questions to better understand the process:

Question 1

Machine A can produce 200 toys in 5 days, while Machine B can produce 150 toys in 4 days. If both machines start working simultaneously, how many more toys will one machine produce than the other after 8 days?

A) 30

B) 15

C) 25 

D) 20

To determine the production rate for each machine, we divide the number of toys by the time taken: 

Machine A: 200 toys / 5 days = 40 toys per day 

Machine B: 150 toys / 4 days = 37.5 toys per day (rounded to the nearest whole number)

To find out how many toys each machine will produce in 8 days, we multiply their respective rates by 8 days: 

Machine A: 40 toys/day * 8 days = 320 toys 

Machine B: 37.5 toys/day * 8 days = 300 toys (rounded to the nearest whole number)

To calculate the difference, we subtract the number of toys produced by Machine B from the number produced by Machine A: 320 toys - 300 toys = 20 toys.

Therefore, after 8 days, Machine A will produce 20 more toys than Machine B.

The answer is D)20.

Question 2

Alex can write 2 pages in 10 minutes, and Brooke can write 5 pages in 15 minutes. If they continue writing for 20 minutes, who will have written more pages, and by how many pages?

A) Alex, by 1 page. 

B) Brooke, by 2 pages. 

C) Brooke, by 3 pages. 

D) Alex, by 4 pages.

To calculate their writing rates:

Alex: 2 pages / 10 minutes = 0.2 pages per minute Brooke: 5 pages / 15 minutes = 0.33 pages per minute

Now, let's find out how many pages each person will write in 20 minutes:

Alex: 0.2 pages per minute * 20 minutes = 4 pages 

Brooke: 0.33 pages per minute * 20 minutes = 6.6 pages (rounded to the nearest whole number)

To determine the difference in the number of pages written, we subtract one person's total from the other:

Brooke's pages - Alex's pages: 6.6 pages - 4 pages = 2.6 pages (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, Brooke will have written approximately 2 more pages than Alex after 20 minutes.

The answer is B) 2.

Final Words 

The more you practice and experiment with various problem types, the more skilled you'll become at solving them. To help you on this exciting journey, our website offers plenty of practice tests and mock exams for thorough preparation.

So, gear up and delve into the fascinating world of numbers with a determined, can-do attitude. 

Enjoy conquering these number challenges while sharpening your mind. Best of luck with your test and happy learning!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of titancollege.com.au and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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