June 30, 2023

Verbal Reasoning Questions: Similar/Dissimilar Meanings

Verbal reasoning tests often include questions that assess your understanding of word meanings and relationships. These questions require you to identify words that have similar or different meanings.

 Here are some tips to excel in this section of the verbal reasoning test.

Similar Words In Verbal Reasoning Test

One of the hardest parts of verbal reasoning tasks is often figuring out which words mean the same thing. These questions test your ability to see how words are related to each other.

Look at this group of words below:

Honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, reliability. 

Which of the following words could also be in the group?

  1. sincerity
  2. creativity
  3. diligence
  4. compassion

To find the link, look closely at what these words mean and how they relate.

Honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and reliability have something in common. They talk about qualities that make something or someone trusted.

When a question asks, "Which other word could also belong to this group?" You have to look at the choices:

(a) sincerity  fits with how the other words are connected. It has something to do with being real, which is the same as being honest, trustworthy, reliable and showing integrity.

(b) creativity is not the same as or related to the given words. So, it doesn't really represent the group.

(c) diligence means having a strong work ethic and sticking with something even when it gets hard. These are important traits but are not directly connected to the shared moral character trait. 

So, it doesn't really show what the group is like either.

(d) compassion is about feeling and understanding, but it has nothing to do with moral character or dependability. So, it doesn't fit with the way the words are linked.

After analysing these words, (a) sincerity best describes the qualities that honesty, integrity, reliability and dependability all have in common.

Practical Tips For Word Knowledge Questions

Verbal Reasoning Test word questions can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can do well on these tests.

Below are some practical tips to help you:

1. Expand Your Vocabulary

If you want to do well on vocabulary questions, you must learn more words. Read a lot, including books, newspapers and articles, to learn a wide range of words. 

Develop the habit of writing down and searching for the meaning of the words you're not familiar with. Then, learn how they are used.

Your vocabulary will improve and you'll have more words to choose from on the test if you do things regularly to build your knowledge.

2. Use the Process of Elimination

When it comes to vocabulary questions, the process of elimination is a very useful tool. Start by getting rid of choices that are obviously wrong or don't fit the word or idea.

Cross out the choices that have different meanings or don't make sense in the given situation. Eliminating some of them makes it easier to choose the right answer.


Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to enhance?

(a) diminish (b) improve (c) destroy (d) conceal

First, let's identify the part of speech of the word "enhance." It is a verb indicating an action.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices based on their parts of speech:

diminish - This is a verb but has the opposite meaning of enhance. It means to make something smaller or decrease its value. We can eliminate it.

improve - This is a verb and has a similar meaning to enhance. It means to make something better or increase its quality. It aligns with the desired similarity in meaning and is a suitable answer choice.

destroy - This is a verb but has the opposite meaning of enhance. It means to damage or ruin something. We can eliminate it.

conceal - This is a verb, but it does not have a similar meaning to enhance. It means to hide or cover something. We can eliminate it.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is (b) improve, as it is the verb most similar in meaning to enhance.

3. Utilize Context Clues

Often, the words around a word can give you important clues about what it means. Pay close attention to the words or sentences around it, as well as any meanings or explanations that are given. 

By analyzing the context, you can make an educated guess and get rid of choices that don't fit with what you know.

Read the following sentence and use the clues in the sentence to figure out what the word in bold means:

"The young artist meticulously blended various colors on the canvas, creating a vibrant and dynamic masterpiece."

What does the word "meticulously" mean in this sentence?

(a) Quickly (b) Carelessly (c) Thoroughly (d) In secret


To determine what "meticulously" means, we need to look at the other words in the line. Let's look at the words and sentences around it:

"Mixed different colors on the canvas" sounds like the artist paid a lot of attention to detail and was very careful.

"Blended various colors on the canvas" means that the artist worked hard and carefully to make the piece.

From these clues, you can figure out that "meticulously" means doing something with great care, attention to detail, and accuracy.

Among the choices given, the word that fits this idea the best is (c) Thoroughly.

This pick represents how carefully and precisely the artist mixed the colors on the canvas.

By using hints, we can figure out what unfamiliar words are supposed to mean and make smart choices on verbal reasoning tests.

Verbal Reasoning Practice Test

For Verbal Reasoning Test, it is very helpful to practice with mock tests. The goal of these tests is to make them like the real test.  

Mock exams help you get accustomed to the Test format. You can develop effective strategies and improve your performance by working through sample questions and completing practice activities.

Your chances of doing well on the exam will be much better if you do this practice. So, make sure you give yourself enough time to practice with mock tests.

Final Words 

We encourage you to explore our mock exams for verbal reasoning test. These practice tests will help you become familiar with the test's format, timing and difficulty level. You'll gain valuable experience and improve your skills by taking these tests. 

Get ready to boost your confidence and achieve your best on the exam day!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of titancollege.com.au and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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