July 21, 2023

How to Manage Your Time for Effective Entrance Test Preparation?

Surely, school tests can make you nervous, but if you get really good at managing your time, even hard tests like the QASMT and Brisbane State High School entrance test can be faced successfully.

Getting good at managing your time, setting goals you can reach and giving your best are important steps to doing great on any test.

So, keep reading this guide! We will talk more about helpful tips and tricks that will make you use your time wisely and get you ready for your upcoming test.

Keeping Track of Your Time

Think about what you do every day. Do you watch lots of TV or play too many games on your phone? If yes, try doing a little less of that. You can use that extra time for studying or doing other important things.

Making a Plan

Create a planner for yourself. It should have your daily tasks, weekly and monthly tasks related to your test preparation. By doing so, you won't feel overwhelmed and you'll progress steadily. 


Your To-Do List

Have a to-do list ready. It helps you know what you need to work on first and what can wait. It keeps you focused and organized. 

QASMT Brisbane State High School Practice tests and Exams


It's true that some tasks are bigger or more important than others. So, it's a good idea to complete these tasks during the time when you can focus best. By doing this, you make sure you finish the most necessary tasks first. This not only helps you get your work done, but can also make you feel more confident and motivated to continue with your studies.

Checking Your Progress

Don't forget to periodically assess your progress. This way, you can understand your performance and make adjustments if needed. Also, whenever you achieve a goal, take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments.

Time Management Before Exam

Attending school regularly is really helpful when preparing. Teachers can help you understand and clear your doubts. Also, ensure to allocate time every day for homework and revising lessons. 

Improving Study Skills

Understanding how to study smarter and not just harder is really important. Start by making sure your study space is calm and quiet. Next, keep distractions like your phone, TV, or video games away.

Keeping a positive attitude while preparing is important too. You can also try adding some creativity to your studying by coming up with new ideas, making mind maps, focusing on key points and practicing possible test questions.

Don't Forget to Take Breaks

Just like long-distance runners take breaks during a race, your brain also needs rest. After studying hard for an hour, take a 5-minute break. These short breaks help refresh your brain and make it easier to learn.
Looking for more tips? Check out the 'Pomodoro Technique'. This helpful method for managing time highlights the value of taking breaks to improve productivity.

Remember Your Goals and Reward Yourself

Keep in mind your final objective - succeeding in the selective school entrance exam - as this will fuel your drive. Furthermore, don't forget to treat yourself after accomplishing a tough task or achieving an important milestone. This is a great way to keep the motivation going strong.

practice tests and exams for QASMT

Final Words

Getting ready for selective school entrance tests is like a race and being good at managing your time can be your secret power. Start by setting goals, keeping an eye on your time and knowing what's most important - this sets you on the path to success. Remember, once time is gone, you can't get it back, so use it wisely.

Good luck as you prepare for your tests!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of titancollege.com.au and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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