August 4, 2023

Preparing Your Child for the Brisbane State High Entrance Test 

( For students in Year 5 & Year 6 )

Brisbane State High School is a highly respected public school in Queensland. It is known for its excellent academic reputation and ranks among the top ten schools in NAPLAN.

To get admitted, students must pass a tough and competitive selective exam, which has a high cut-off level.

In this article, you will find a helpful explanation of the exam and some useful tips to prepare your child for success.

What is ACER Test ?

The Brisbane State High School Test is a selective exam conducted by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) as part of their Higher Ability Selection Test. The primary purpose of this test is for Year 7 entry.

Nonetheless, students can sit the exam in Grade 5 for "conditional entry." This conditional entry gives students a chance to secure a place in the school if they take part in a program called Aspiring Minds in Year 6. 

This program helps your child learn how to think creatively, solve problems, make decisions and take on big challenges. 

If they don't succeed in Grade 5, they can try again in Grade 6, the final chance for entry.


ACER Test Format for Year 5 Students

Below are the exam areas for Year 5 students:

Reading Comprehension: This section includes 40 multiple-choice questions with a 45-minute time limit. Students are given various texts covering topics like English, Art, History and Geography. The test measures their ability to understand and interpret information from the texts provided.

Mathematical Reasoning: This segment of the test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and students are given 40 minutes to finish. The goal of this part is to see how good the student is at solving problems and using math ideas in everyday-like situations.

Written Expression: In this section, students are given one writing prompt and 25 minutes to write a piece in response. The prompt could be a picture, a sentence or both together. Students are expected to write a coherent and well-organized piece. They have to address the prompt directly.

ACER Test Format for Year 6 Students

Let's look now at each section in the test:

Reading Comprehension

In this part, your child will answer 40 multiple-choice questions in 45 minutes. They'll read or look at different things, like text or pictures, then answer questions about them. This bit of the test checks how well they can understand and explain things in English, Art, History, Geography and Social Studies.

Mathematical Reasoning

This section has 30 multiple-choice maths questions to solve in 40 minutes. It doesn't test what they can remember from textbooks; it checks how good they are at using their maths skills to figure out problems.

Abstract Reasoning

Here, your child answers 30 multiple-choice questions in 30 minutes. They'll look at symbols and try to solve problems, like finding what's odd in a group of images or guessing what the next shape might be.

Written Expression

In this part, your child gets a topic they must write about, and they have 25 minutes to do so. They could be asked to write a story or argue their point of view.

ACER Exam Preparation

Here are some steps to help prepare your child for the Brisbane State High School Test:

Practice Selective School Tests

Use selective school practice tests and exams to help your child become familiar with the test format and build confidence in their abilities.

BSHS Year 6 Practice tests

Concentrate on Critical Thinking

Motivate your child to take part in thinking exercises, brain teasers and activities that require solving problems in order to boost their thinking abilities.


Improve Math Usage

Assist your child in understanding how math is useful in real life and how it can effectively solve problems.

Writing Practice

Practice different types of writing, such as narratives, descriptions, explanations, opinions and arguments. Time your child's writing sessions to ensure they can write a well-organized piece within the given time limit.

Time Management

Teach your child effective time management skills to ensure they can answer multiple-choice questions accurately and complete the writing section within the time limit.


Stay Updated

Keep yourself informed about the test structure and requirements by checking the ACER website regularly. The test format may change from year to year, so staying updated is essential.

Final Words

Preparing your child for the Brisbane State High School Test is a crucial step towards securing their future in one of Queensland's top academic-performing public schools. Focus on critical thinking, problem-solving and effective time management skills, along with practicing written expression, to increase your child's chances of success. 

Be sure to explore websites like Practice Tests and Exams to access mock tests and free resources that will help with their preparations.

Wishing you the best of luck in this endeavor!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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