December 5, 2023

How to Improve Your Child's NAPLAN Reading Comprehension Test Results 

The main purpose of the NAPLAN test is to check basic skills in students across the country. But, factors such as anxiety, communication between students and teachers and a lack of practice can sometimes lead to test scores that do not reflect a child's true abilities

So, we hope this article helps you help your child do well in this year's NAPLAN Reading Comprehension Test.

NAPLAN Reading Comprehension Year 3

In Year 3, it's essential to build a strong foundation for understanding what you read.

To make this happen, try these important things:

Interactive Reading

When you read together, don't just read the words. Talk about the story, the characters and the important parts. Ask questions like, "Why do you think the character did that?" or "What do you think will happen next?" 

It's like being a detective in the story, finding all the interesting details. This makes reading way more interesting and helps you understand the story better.


Learning New Words

Imagine that words are like treasures! Try to learn new words and their meanings. It's not just about knowing what a word means but also discovering different ways to use it. 

Like how you have different colors in your crayon box, words can have different meanings too. The more words you know, the better you can understand stories.  

NAPLAN Reading Comprehension Year 5

As students progress to Year 5, the emphasis shifts to developing analytical skills:

Question Analysis

Before they dive into a story, teach them to carefully check out the questions about it. It's like having a roadmap before going on an adventure, making sure they know what to find in the story.

Inferential Thinking

Encourage them to read between the lines and make smart guesses based on what's in the story. Even if the answer isn't exactly there, they can use clues to figure it out. It's like solving a mystery using the hints given in the story.


NAPLAN Reading Comprehension Year 7

Year 7 introduces a more complex comprehension landscape. Strengthen critical thinking skills with:

Textual Evidence

Encourage your child to emphasize supporting answers with evidence directly extracted from the text. This means they should refer to specific details, examples or quotes in the passage to substantiate their responses. 

It's a way of grounding their conclusions in the actual words of the story, making their interpretations more solid and convincing.

Comparative Analysis

Introduce the concept of comparative analysis, urging your child to compare and contrast different pieces of information within the text. This involves looking at how characters, events, or ideas relate to each other. 

By making these comparisons, your child gains a deeper understanding of the text's nuances and complexities. It's like exploring the intricate threads of the story and deciphering how they interconnect, fostering a more profound level of comprehension.

NAPLAN Reading Comprehension Year 9

As students progress to Year 9, the focus is on mastering advanced comprehension techniques. Here's a breakdown of the key skills:

Critical Evaluation

Encourage your child to critically evaluate the author's intent, tone and perspective. This involves going beyond surface-level understanding and delving into the author's purpose in writing the text. 

Ask your child to analyze why the author chose specific language, what emotions or attitudes they convey, and how their perspective influences the overall message. It's about developing a sophisticated awareness of the author's choices and their impact on the text.

Extended Responses

Practice constructing extended responses that demonstrate a deep understanding of the text. This goes beyond brief answers and requires your child to provide detailed, well-supported responses. They should articulate their thoughts clearly, incorporating evidence from the text to substantiate their points.

Extended responses involve thoughtful exploration of themes, characters, and the broader context of the text. It's a way for your child to showcase their ability to engage deeply with the material and express nuanced insights.

Strategic Tips for Success at Every Level

Now that you are aware of the skills your child needs to develop for each level in the reading comprehension test, here are practical ways to implement and help your child at every level.

Regular Practice 

Engage in consistent practice with different types of texts to improve overall comprehension skills. This means reading regularly to get better at understanding things.

Varied Reading Materials 

Introduce your child to a mix of reading materials like books, articles, or stories. This helps broaden their comprehension capabilities, making them good at understanding various kinds of writing.

Interactive Discussions  

Have interactive discussions about what your child reads. Talk about the stories, characters or information. This kind of conversation helps them understand things more deeply.

Final Words

We hope the following tips provide you with insights as a parent to assist your child in performing well on their NAPLAN reading test. Feel free to check out our reading comprehension skill builder for better preparation.

Good luck!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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