December 7, 2023

How to Boost Your Vocabulary Skills for Improved Reading Comprehension

Your vocabulary skills play a crucial role in how well you do on reading comprehension tests. Having a wide range of words not only helps you understand the text better but also lets you express your ideas more clearly. 

In this blog post, we'll look at practical ways to enhance your vocabulary, which will, in turn, improve your reading comprehension. Keep reading to learn more!

Actionable Steps to Make Your Vocabulary Better

As a student, here are things you can actually do to improve your vocabulary. If you're a parent, you can share these with your child to help them understand what they read even better.

1. Be Aware of Words

Often, the first step to improving your vocabulary is to be conscious of the words around you. It's not just about the volume of words you read but understanding them in context. Don't be afraid of words you don't know; see them as chances to learn new things about language. 

Take the time to guess their meanings from context, and if needed, consult a dictionary. Building awareness is the foundation of vocabulary growth.


2. Read Widely and Regularly

Reading a lot is the key to getting better at words. Mix up what you read to find lots of different words in different situations. It could be newspapers, magazines, or books—just pick things you find interesting. Reading a lot helps you find new words and remember the ones you already know.

3. Use a Dictionary

Keep your dictionary close when you're reading. If you come across a word you don't know, take a moment to look it up. Circle the words you check, and review them sometimes. Reading the whole definition of a word helps you really understand what it means and how to use it, making your vocabulary better. 

You can use a regular dictionary or a mobile one on your phone or tablet—they both help you learn new words.


4. Study and Review Regularly

To get better at words, stick to a routine. Spend some time every day really focusing on learning. Figure out a way to go over the words you've learned, like using flashcards, a notebook or index cards. 

The idea is to make your memory stronger in a steady way. Just remember, going over things regularly is better than studying really hard once in a while.

5. Read actively

Really pay attention to what you're reading. When you find a tricky word, try figuring out what it means from the sentences around it before checking the dictionary. 

This not only helps your vocabulary but also sharpens your skill in understanding meanings, which is important for comprehension.

6. Join a group or club

Team up with friends who also want to learn new words. Being part of a book club or study group lets you talk about what you read, exposing you to different ideas and words. 

Conversations about books often bring in new words that can make your vocabulary more interesting.


7. Play word games

Make learning words fun by playing games. Crossword puzzles, Scrabble and word searches are not just enjoyable but also really good for making your vocabulary stronger. Turn your learning into a kind of game.

Playing games to boost vocabulary

8. Set achievable goals

Make small, doable goals for improving your vocabulary. Decide on a number of words to learn each week. When you reach your goals, celebrate them and use that celebration to keep going in your journey to build a better vocabulary.

Final Words

Motivation is a key factor in building a better vocabulary. Learning more words becomes much easier when you believe it's worthwhile. A broader vocabulary can benefit you in school which makes life more interesting and fulfilling. 

Also, we offer a reading comprehension skill builder that can make your studying more enjoyable and effective. Feel free to explore it.

You have the power to expand your vocabulary as quickly as you want. Many people have done it and you started with no words, now knowing thousands.

Keep learning with joy!

About the Author titan admin

Jon Petruch is the founder of and has been helping students prepare for selective school examinations for over a decade. In his spare time, he likes reading English literature and listening to music. 

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