Top-Notch Selective Exam Practice Test

Selective exams are a crucial step in shaping students' academic futures, granting entry to top-performing schools and unlocking a world of educational opportunities. Recognizing the importance of these exams allows students to develop a focused preparation strategy and take advantage of the benefits of attending selective schools.

Selective exam preparation

Strategic Preparation for Selective Tests

Explore our range of effective strategies and techniques to boost your preparation for selective exams. From improving time management to creating study schedules tailored to you, our comprehensive guide helps you develop a personalized preparation plan that suits your learning style perfectly. Gain confidence and take control of your exam readiness with our trusted resources.


The two most coveted selective schools in Queensland are Brisbane State High School and QASMT.  There are selective school exams for entry into both schools. 


Brisbane State High School is the oldest state school that is a member of the GPS (Greater Public Schools) Association.   With a long tradition of excellence in sports, music and academic achievements, Brisbane State High is the number one public school choice for many parents and students. 


Should your primary residence be in the local catchment area, your child will be eligible to attend this school.


Students need to prove their academic aptitude in an exam that covers mathematics, reading comprehension and writing. 


Students will need to prove aptitude in an approved sport or musical instrument. Alternatively, students can submit a folio of art.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Is there an application fee for the BSHS Academic Selective Entry program?

Yes, there is a non-refundable Processing Fee of $420.00 for all Academic Selective Entry applications.

 Are there financial assistance options for Academic Selective Entry applicants?

Yes, Brisbane State High School offers Merit Entry Equity Bursaries for applicants facing genuine financial hardship. These bursaries aim to ease the financial burden for deserving students.


The Queensland Academies group of schools include three separate schools QASMT, QACI and QAHA all of which offer the IB (International Baccalaureate) programme - an extremely rigorous international program with which students will graduate with a Diploma as opposed to just a high school certificate. 


QASMT is by far the best performing out of all the QA schools as well as all QLD high schools. 

Located in Toowong, it is located on the same campus as the old now defunct Toowong State High School.


QACI is has a focus on creative industries.  However, they offer many of the same subjects as QASMT if students want to focus more mathematics and science to get a more traditional education. 


Located in Southport, QAHS incorporates more than just academic subjects into its program.  Students will be able to be a part of the music and sport programs on offer as well in addition to the academic ones. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When can my child start at QASMT?

Students can start at QASMT in Year 7, which is the entry point for the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP). In Years 10 to 12, students move on to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP).

How do I register my child for the QASMT Entrance Test?

You can register for the admissions test through the Queensland Academies' Portal. The registration deadline for Year 7 applications for 2025 is August 23, 2023.

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